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The Warrants Office never sleeps. With Deputies and other agencies patrolling around the clock, there is always a need to verify and confirm an arrest warrant. This team maintains roughly 20,000 warrants. These warrants are issued by the courts and submitted to the Sheriff's Office for execution. The team processes them, catalogs them, and updates our digital system with the appropriate charges and extradition criteria. They can receive several hundred new warrants in any given week depending on the court schedule and court proceedings.

Additionally, the team handles warrant checks when they are initiated by Deputies. While also verifying warrant details and extradition arrangements with other agencies when they encounter an individual who is the subject of a Morgan County Arrest Warrant.

Warrants(except those issued by a Grand Jury) can be seen on our website under the Warrants Button on the home screen Click here

Michelle Sparks
Warrant Corporal
Michelle Sparks
Gracie Gliem
Warrant Clerk
Gracie Gleim

Felicia Clark
Warrant Clerk
Felicia Clark

Denise Schrimsher
Warrant Clerk
Denise Schrimsher
Tara Heard
Warrant Clerk
Tara Heard


To protect and serve … since 1818